This was a cool experiment and I just love the outcome. Here's a look:
Let's take a look at the Hold the Phone! Bag.
Thanks for reading!
and used about 152 pins. OK, maybe only 150. But a LOT of pins. And I had to remember to keep the wooden beads/genuine faux pearls :)/shells/glass out of the way! Here's how the top of the bag looks right now:
Isn't it cool? Here's another look:
Doesn't the fab I used for the pocket sort of look like sand? I'll give you a better look at the bag itself after I'm finished; the fab twists around the Storm now -- like a TORNADO. I'm so easily amused.
I've started the HTP! Bag; here's a look:
This is quickly becoming a fav. I hope to get the grommets pounded in today and the handles looped through.
I'm also working on a new design, as per a special request from the Macon Bag-a-holic. It's very cute, on the small side, and goes with just about everything. Yes... I have named it, but I'm holding off on telling you until I have a few more made. :) I think you'll like it.
Thanks for reading!
A friend in Northern Cyprus sent me a link to a GREAT batiks sale over at the Quilting Cottage - 75% off her batiks! Wow, thanks, Pam! I couldn't resist ... and ordered 22 yards worth. :) You know ... I figured they wouldn't have everything by the time I put my order in and I checked the box that read something to the effect of "if you don't have exactly what I ordered, just send what you have; I'm stash-building".
I got a package in the mail a few days later with two of the fabs I'd ordered; shown here with my Guide Dog for the Color Blind.
GORGEOUS! I was thrilled. (And please know that I wash everything before I make it into bags or quilts.) High quality, rich, saturated colors .... perfect! Then I received the nicest email from the owner of the shop saying she never imagined her sale would go over so well and she was overwhelmed with customers showing up for the sale AND internet orders. Instead of taking the route most retailers would, when it's sold out, the sale is over, she apologized for not having everything and offered 75% off 18 yards (the remainder of my order) of ANY fabric she has or would get in before mid-December. WOW! I was blown away. And jumped on it, of course. :)
In came another box with everything I'd ordered. I take that back. She was short 1/4 yard of one fab, so she threw in 3 "fat quarters" of fabs that fit with the rest of my order!
How generous! The fabs that she added are high-quality and just stunning!
I wasn't the only one thrilled with and interested in my order. Check out my Quality Control expert, Drill SGT Zim:
I wonder if there is a shop cat? He loves cats. Interestingly enough, he was quite drawn to the French writing on this piece:
He's got great taste; I like that one a lot myself. There was also a yummy purple:
Dave jumped on it right away; his collar is purple, so he's kind of partial to it.
Heart breaker! Here's the whole shipment:
The maps are so cool. They'll make fabulous bags - and I think one may end up as a window topper in my hubby's office.
I am going to have so much fun with these fabs! Anyone see anything they'd like to put dibs on? :) Many thanks again to Pam for the heads up on the sale - and mega-thanks to the ladies at the Quilting Cottage!
Thanks for reading,
I LOVE the colors! I decided to use some cotton batting in the bag, to give the phone a little more protection. The recipient is very active and I thought a little extra padding would be a good idea.
Here's a close up of the quilting and glass beads I included:
I wanted to keep it light and not to detract from the horses! I really think this fabric showed the horse theme better than the other one we were toying with using.
The "right" fabric for the inside showed up in a recent order I received. (More on that in a later post!) It's actually two shades of purple in one fab, and I used both. They are a great fit! Have a peek!
Santa, I hope you like it as much as I do! I'll get it shipped out promptly!
Special note to Rhonda, over at I Dine Alone: About that Sesame Broccoli Pasta! Here's how mine came out:
Mmmmm, a huge hit at our house! Many thanks!
And thanks to you for reading!
...and told me that it "doesn’t look like we’re fighting over it….but we were!!!!" LOL! She said Jacque took it and said, "You can borrow it once…..maybe."
I just might have to break the rules again, so Shelly can have a Hawkeyes bag of her own. :)
Thanks to Shelly and Jacque!
I wanted to swap some of them out with some others, and he resisted.
He wouldn't let me take ANY of them. Except for the polypro. I was toying with using either black or the blue for straps, but they didn't really do it for either one of us.
I have some shells and sort of "beach glass" in a trim and wanted to see if they'd be a nice addition. I've never really embellished any of my bags with trim, but this could be a nice touch.
I work him hard, but he does get breaks.
We came back to the horse batik after his nap, pairing it with different fabs.
He did like the green on the left...
...but then it hit me that there was another "small" problem. Or "not small" problem. Due to the size of the HTP! Bag and the large scale of the batik...
...we're going to be lucky to get ONE horse on the front of the bag. :( SO... if Santa is out there reading... that might be OK for what you have in mind, or it might not. Remember, I have the other horse print, too.
I could get more horses in by using this fab -- but it might not be "the look" you have in mind. It's a brighter, more lively print than the batik. Please let me know which one you prefer, Santa, and Dave and I will get right on it.
Thanks for reading!
And here are some I've pulled together for a Super Shopper.
I've got a few more things in the works right now that I'll share soon.
Did you all see the poll in the left sidebar? Please vote for the Bags by KZK Bag you like best!
Thanks for reading,
I don't know a lot about cats... but based on the look on Izzy's face, I don't think I'd try the snooter hanging maneuver with one. Maybe it's just me.
Thanks for the pose, Izzy!
That was a mighty good try!
Sitka has a HTP! Bag to go with her UGA gear, and now each of the girls have HTP! Bags to match their special leashes now. Here's C-Marie stopping to pose with hers on a trip to the vet's:
What a DOLL! You can read more about her HTP! Bag at this link.
Here is Sitka, showing us both of the girls' bags with their matching leads:
Let's see that gorgeous face!
Thanks for an outstanding modeling job, girls! Cookies for everyone! :)
Here is Loki (Meeshka's brother) with his human womans's Hold the iPhone! Bag ...after swiping it off his nose. :)Posing with something on your nose isn't for everyone. Many thanks to Loki and his human woman for giving it a try. :)
Is she about as adorable as it gets? Check out the shoulder move -
I think she has a very successful future as a Bags by KZK model ahead of her. AND here's her mom:
Great job, girls! Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures with us!