Wow, have my Guide Dog for the Color Blind and I been busy in the Studio lately! He had some pretty exciting news on the
Ao4 Digest today about some new fabs; I can't WAIT to play with them! He also showed everyone just
how hard he works recently; those fabs were indeed used for
Trace's Z Bag. Great job, as usual, Dave. ;)
So... in other news, here are some works in progress, starting with Patty's Deeve:

Still auditioning fabs, really. What would you think about that polypro for the handle/strap? It's deep purple and really looks cool.
This is a separate project (a Hold the Phone! Bag) for Patty:

Is it off-putting seeing bag guts, or is it cool? I find it fascinating, myself, so bear with me! :)
Here's a finished Boo Tote:
Cute, isn't it? Who doesn't love Mickey? It's a gift. More on that on a later post.

OK, real early stages. I'm actually much further along than that. The fabs are part of
Sandy Gervais' Flirtations collection for Moda. I LOVE them!!! They make me think of chocolates.
I got in some cool new blue camo prints. I couldn't decide which I liked best, so I ordered three. I sent a picture of Dave showing them off (before I put them in the wash!) to the SiberMal Society and got this response back from

Dave's such a good salespup. I think she likes the one on the far right! :) The bright blue camo will be made into a Z Bag for her. Here are the fabs that may be joining it:
She specified, "Nothing red or pink or old lady" ... and "Go totally nuts and wacky on the inside." I think I have it covered. I may be adding something else bold. :)
I've also worked up an all-new design. I received a request for a more formal, small evening bag. A little clutch type. How fun! She wanted it formal on the outside, but kicky on the inside. An animal theme would be nice, as it's for a fund-raiser for her local shelter. I've actually finished the bag, but want to hold off on posting pix until I finish the other bag she ordered. In the meantime... here it is, in progress:
The black-on-black is the outside. It has a bit of sheen to it and is just rich and yummy. The inside is a VERY fun Laurel Burch dog print. I really hope they are able to reprint that line some day; it is really wonderful!
I wasn't sure what to call the new bag, but Heather - the client who requested it - came up with the PERFECT name. Think about it. The evening bag ... comes out at night, is a little bit on the exotic side, and is small enough to tuck in just about anywhere. Are you ready for this? It's Bart's Good Eeevening Bag. That's right - it's named after the bat who hangs out at our house. Hahahahahaha! PERFECT, Heather - thank you for an excellent suggestion! (Heather does not blog but her pups have been featured on the Ao4 Digest.) I ran the name past Dave, GDFTCB, and he agreed that it was ideal. Then he imitated Bart for me:
Dave, doing his Bart the Bat impressionHe's not just a Guide Dog for the Color Blind, he does impressions, too. ;)
Thanks for reading!