Some new Hold the Phone! Bags and the BDU Deeve Bag hit the mail on Monday. They should arrive at their destinations by tomorrow, at the latest.
Along with the Deeve and its HTP! Bag, Shelli and Sitka will be receiving this HTP! Bag:
Shelli asked for one to hold their "good neighbor bags", to hook onto Sitka's leash. I thought this would match Sitka's UGA collar nicely. I used a new leash for the strap and hardward. Here's a peek inside.
The spots echo the freckles on my Guide Dog for the Color Blind's muzzle.
For Penny, something fun and bold.
I thought the coffee theme was a good fit for her, along with the vibrant color scheme. And to pay homage to her Meeshka and the Husky United Liberation Army (HULA) hoop, a little fun with fabric:
It seemed the right thing to do.
For Bobbie, something to match her new spring bag:
Fun colors to play with and cool, new variegated threads for the quilting.
I used the same new green on Penny's HTP! Bag and a very cool black to white variegated thread on Shelli & Sitka's. What FUN!
Thanks for reading!
WOO HOO! Love the new look of the blog! Very nice! Our package arrived today. The HTP! Bag matches Sitka's Leash and Collar perfectaly!!! And my DEEVE Bag is awesome. It is hard to say if I like it better than the ZBag... I LOVE both equally. They both are so versitle and have their own personalities, which I LOVE! You are the BEST!
Shelli and Sitka (Tia says MEOW too)
I just love all your bags, your so talented!