Saturday, February 2, 2019

Scrappy NRAJR Quilt

Hi everyone!  I finally got the blocks I made in 2012 put together -- the Scrappy Not-Really-A-Jelly-Roll blocks I've been telling you about.


Wow, are there a lot of memories sewn up in those!  Not just the fabrics, but of Dave ...


... and Zim ...


... two of my past Siberian Huskies.  They were both instrumental in helping me with that quilt.

The full story of Dave and Zim's involvement is on the Army Of Four Digest in three installments - here, here, and here. If you have time, please give it a read. I swear it's all true. They were a riot!


Anyway, I got on to assembling my rows:


I had marked carefully with my "bread bag" plastic thingies so I wouldn't forget what went where.  Two things I noticed while putting this together:

  1. I pressed these blocks REALLY well!  Did I starch them?  I must have.  They were awesome to work with.
  2. In addition to normal "quilt weight" cottons, I also have some homespuns and heavy flannels in there.  Why I thought that would be OK in a quilt with so many seams and points meeting up is beyond me, but somehow it all came together.

Before I knew it, the whole top was together:


YAY!  It only took me ... let's not go there.  I did get back to it - that's what matters!  It's in the queue to be quilted.

For now, I have pieced the back for the X Plus quilt and have that all basted and ready to go.  More on that very soon!

For now - thanks so much for reading!


  1. It is beautiful and so very special.

  2. I remember you working on that quilt with Dave and Zim. It was fun to go back and read those posts from the past. How funny that Dave pulled one off that had cats on it.

  3. Momma says she misses Dave and Zim. They were the goodest boys. <3 And their quilt is just beeYOUtiful!


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