Thursday, September 6, 2018


I'm not sure what to call them - holders?  Anyway, as I mentioned at the end of yesterday's post, the net-like thingies that the supermarkets use to protect some delicate fruits make really great "holders" for things in the Studio.


I especially like them for balls of twine and webbing.  It's hard to stick a pin in either, and tape can really make a mess.  I think the one around my hot pink webbing came wrapped around an Asian Pear - it's nice and padded!  Very handy and a great way to reuse them!

Thanks for reading!


  1. The net holders are a great idea!

  2. Very creative, functional, and thrifty!!! Recycling is always a good thing.

  3. That is so very clever. Mom bought groceries today...she didn't see any fruit with this type of holders on it. Now she has seen them in the past but dang it that was before your very clever idea
    Hugs madi your bfff
    NOTE to Cammie and Maggie...don't get Wooful or your mom might put one of these on your snout

  4. Nets? Sleeves? Expandable fruit protectors (EFPs)?


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