Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Deeve is Done!

...and in the mail. Joni, you should have it by tomorrow!

I took it outside for a photo shoot before I shipped it. Let's take a look - front and back!

Sigh. I need one of these for myself. Here's a closer look at the buttons and placket:

I did double-stitching along the top, in keeping with the whole "jeans" theme, and used a golden-colored thread. Here's a look at the quilting:

Incredibly fun to do!

Here's a closer look at the beads I put on the Hold the Phone! Bag:

The square wooden ones are over 50 years old! They used to be a bag my mom bought in Panama when my dad was stationed there. I saved them and they've made their way into lots of projects through the years!

Here's the back of the Hold the Phone! Bag. I love how it came out.

I'm not sure why I took this next shot, but I like it:

Who knows. Let's take a look inside the Deeve Bag, shall we?

Room for EVERYthing. I currently carry a Deeve (not half as cool as this one...) and I love how "pick it up and go!" it is.

Joni, I hope you love your new bag! Thanks for your order!
And thank you for reading!


  1. The Deeve turned out fabulous! It's so special you included those beads too!

  2. Hey there, Karen
    You are my new hero!
    I can't believe that I haven't been to this blog of yours yet!? I am quite stunned. Your bags are absolutely beautiful and super inspiring. My sewing machine is currently gathering dust - despite me having quite a few pieces (to say the least) waiting to be put together.
    I am soooo impressed! You are really a true inspiration and so generous to simply share all your wonderful creations. I know this sounds cliche...but I WISH I could sew like you. If you were closer, I would ask you to give me a lesson or two.
    Thank you so much for this link (in your email). I will most certainly be following you!...and perhaps reuniting with my sewing machine ssoon(?)
    With love
    C in South Africa

  3. Gorgeous. Will Zim get jealous if I get a Deeve?


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