Thursday, December 12, 2019


I know!  It's been way too long!  I've been doing a lot of quilting, just not taking the time to update the blog.  I thought I'd make an attempt to get caught up starting today.

Remember the Not Kira quilt I pieced back in August?  I quilted it back in October.  Let's take a look at the process!

I wasn't sure what I was going to do at first, then went with wavy lines.


I love wavy lines.  I used Canaan, by King Tut.  Lovely shades of silvery, light grey!

I thought I'd do groups of three one way and one lone wave doing a criss-cross. You can see that better on the reverse side:


The more I looked at it, though, the more I wanted MORE.


I knuckled down, tried to be patient with myself, and did a three-line wavy pattern, both ways:


I was so much happier!

Speaking of happier, I also realized that yes, for some projects I really like the "all machine bound" option - especially for things that will be laundered frequently. But for this? No. I really knew I'd be happier doing the binding by hand. I sewed the front on by machine of course ...


... and now I'm slowly but surely sewing it to the back by hand.

Also, at the suggestion of a friend (thanks, Cindy!) I have renamed "Not Kira" to "Kaleidoscope"! I think it's a good fit! Full photos upon completion!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Your Kaleidoscope is looking good. Can't wait to see the completed project.


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